To those who remember, and for those who don't care, a few years ago our old computer crashed. The hard drive was fed up and decided it no longer wanted to run for the Anderson family. And, being in the age of technology and digital cameras, I very rarely developed pictures. I used up my memory card, transferred the pictures to the computer, and started over. Some of you may know where this is headed. Well, if "lazy" Mandie never printed off pictures, and had them on her computer...aka hard drive...and it crashed...well, Mandie doesn't have those pictures anymore. I lost all of Maycie's new born pictures until she was about one year old. I had about 2 dozen that I had printed off. I cried! Hard! I felt like the worse mother and that was before I started doing digi scrapping.
Well, a dear friend of Conrad's, MR. NEAL KOSKELLA, being the computer wiz he is, retrieved those pictures from our old hard drive. Once again, I cried! So, Neil, you have officially been added as #6 on my list of hero's. (For those wondering, I am not sharing the other 5).

I heart reading your blog too! I kinda get teary when I read it though. All your posts are so sweet or so stinkin funny that the tears just flow.
I am so glad that he was able to get your pictures for you!! I tole him that he better be able to do it or he was in trouble! He is my hero too! I am so happy!!
that doesn't even look like Maycie to me! They are so adorable though the one with the M - ya so cute. I printed you off a vinyl "Family" by the way so I'll get it to youe someday!
That's great that you got those back! Thanks so much for hosting last night... It was a ton of fun! We should seriously look into the girls weekend retreat!
I am so glad that you got your pictures back. She was such a cute little baby. You are going to have some fun with those!!!
YEA!! Mandie, I am so happy to hear that you were able to get them back.
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