Monday, April 21, 2008

Second ain't bad!

The First Love of Conrad's life

And the runner up....(It's a guy thing!)


Ginger said...

I don't think you have to worry until Conrad names "her".

Michelle said...

OK but sersiouly, doesn't his "hotness" not boost up about 36 points when you see him in it?
I will leave you alone with your thoughts.

Fonzareli said...

I betcha if you asked Conrad to wash you...he would. I KNOW! I'm quite the comedian.

Jones Family said...

He's always been a truck man!

Sarah Smith said...

Con Has always loved his trucks or cars or Jeep. He is a good guy no matter what. He has always put you firstest always. You to are to ver special people in our lives. We really hope to see you in June. I can't wait. Love u