Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tag...I'm it!

Copy and paste to your own post. Rules of the game are that you have to answer the question but you can't repeat anyone else's answer. Make sure you copy and paste the previous answers. At the end of the questions. So, my answers are the first, the person who tagged me, etc. tag 3 people.

Name something you use in the shower.
Water, Washcloth

Name something people hate to find on their windshield.
Flyers, Bird poop

Name something a man might buy before a date.
Tank of gas, Flowers

Name another word for blemish.
ZIT, Pimple

Name something you'd cook in the microwave.
Easy Mac, Bottle

Name a piece of furniture people need help moving.
Bed, Piano

Name something a dog does that embarrasses its owner.
Licks its own butt, Poops in someone else's yard

Name a kind of test you cannot study for.
Life, Parenthood (only those of you without kids question whether this is a test!)

Name something a boy scout gets a badge for.
Swimming, Archery?

Name a phrase with the word "home" in it.
Home is where the heart is, Love at home

Name a sport where players lose teeth.
Hockey, Boxing

Name something a teacher can do to ruin a student's day.
No recess, Give them a pop quiz

Name a bird you wouldn't want to eat.
Ostrich, Seagull

Name something that gets folded.
Money in a wallet, Clothes

Name something a person wears even if it has a hole in it.
Nylons (sshh!), Socks

Name something that gets smaller the more you use it.
Checking account, Eraser

*I tag: Jen, Amber, Sarah Smith

1 comment:

Fonzareli said...

I've ate ostrich before. Its actually quite good. It was made into jerky. Mmmmmm Teriyaki Ostrich. What more could ya want hu?